View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000387GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2010-01-18 14:41
Reporterjotess Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformX86OSWinXP proOS VersionSP3
Product Version3.2.6 release 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000387: No map display
DescriptionFor all versions after 3.1.14: No map is displayed. Error report when I select "Fehler" in "Map" menue:
"Der Vorgang konnte aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht fortgesetzt werden: 80020101: showMap3(2,1, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 13 "Beschriftungen anzeigen")
Steps To ReproduceStart program
TagsNo tags attached.


2010-01-16 15:36


geosetter_mapfile.jpg (105,659 bytes)
geosetter_mapfile.jpg (105,659 bytes)


2010-01-16 15:37

administrator   ~0000781

Are you perhaps using a local map file? Please take a look at your settings (see attached screenshot)


2010-01-16 16:15

reporter   ~0000782

No (though I didn't check with the newest version, but I checked this setting with all previous versions that did not work). It was correct and it was right after installation. So it was (it must have been) the default value.

2010-01-16 16:51


geosetter_map_test.html (32,493 bytes)


2010-01-16 16:56

administrator   ~0000783

Can you please open the attached file geosetter_map_test.html in Internet Explorer (not Firefox or another browser)? What do you see or what do you get?

Did anything change on your system, maybe the proxy or firewall?

Are you using a firewall? Can you perhaps switch it off for testing? Are you using a proxy server?

Then you can try "regsvr32 jscript.dll" and also empty the cache of Internet Explorer.


2010-01-17 10:54

reporter   ~0000784

First a correction: The version that worked last was 3.0.14 (not 3.1.14)

geosetter_map_test.html in ie6 (after I allowed active content): Displays Google map of Berlin.

Didn't change anything on my system, just installed current version over 3.0.14. After it didn't work I switched off my personal firewall. (Windows firewall is switched off anyway because usually I have zone alarm running.)
No proxy.

Now I re-installed 3.2.6 and checked the preferences: C:\Programme\GeoSetter\geosetter_map\gmap21.html is set. Loaded this one in ie6 and got nothing. Though I compared the file with geosetter_map_test.html and it is nearly identical.
Reinstalled 3.0.14 and compared the files gmap21.html and they match in both versions. They both don't (rather: it doesn't) display anything in internet explorer. But using it in 3.0.14 works, in later versions it doesn't.

Cleared cache of ie, ran "regsvr32 jscript.dll" (received confirmation), ran 3.2.6 again: still no map.

Put geosetter_map_test.html in the ...\geosetter_map folder and changed the preferences accordingly - hurray! Map is there!

Now I would like to know what the problem was. But anyway I'm glad I can use all the new features and improvements!
Thank you!


2010-01-17 14:29

administrator   ~0000787

But GeoSetter would NOT work with geosetter_map_test.html correctly! You may perhaps see a map, but some other functionalety will not work!

So it seems, that you don't have access rights to the remote map file, only to your local copy. I'm pretty sure that it has anything to do with your local settings, but I don't have an idea at the moment.

If it works with the local map file, please copy all the files contained in the attached file to your local harddisk and reference the local file gmap21.html then in your settings.

I'm just changing some things on the map file. So you probably have to download it when it's released.

2010-01-18 14:41 (20,823 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-01-16 14:49 jotess New Issue
2010-01-16 15:36 Friedemann File Added: geosetter_mapfile.jpg
2010-01-16 15:37 Friedemann Note Added: 0000781
2010-01-16 15:37 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2010-01-16 15:37 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2010-01-16 16:15 jotess Note Added: 0000782
2010-01-16 16:51 Friedemann File Added: geosetter_map_test.html
2010-01-16 16:56 Friedemann Note Added: 0000783
2010-01-17 10:54 jotess Note Added: 0000784
2010-01-17 14:29 Friedemann Note Added: 0000787
2010-01-18 14:41 Friedemann File Added: