View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002451GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2023-01-30 22:55
Reporterxyzzy Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002451: Version 4.0.27 - New folder feature
DescriptionAt the beginning:
-The "Folders" option under "View" is not selected
- "Initial Image Folder" is displayed

If asked to display the "Folders" option under "View",
so there we lose the default directory to "go back" to the top of the folders
(See Folders1.jpg and Folders-2.jpg)

Conversely, if we have chosen a folder on the left in the "Folders", we lose the current folder to return to the top of the directories.
(See Folders3.jpg and Folders-4.jpg)

ideally, one should stay at the already selected directory
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-01-19 23:13


Folders-1.jpg (63,022 bytes)
Folders-1.jpg (63,022 bytes)
Folders-3.jpg (83,263 bytes)
Folders-3.jpg (83,263 bytes)
Folders-3-2.jpg (83,263 bytes)
Folders-3-2.jpg (83,263 bytes)
Folders-4.jpg (59,984 bytes)
Folders-4.jpg (59,984 bytes)


2023-01-20 18:04

reporter   ~0004418

I wanted to test your problem. When I started, the program froze at the second point: Menu > View > Folders, and it does it nonstop. After about a minute it throws an error message that the program seems to have frozen. It did indeed freeze. I tried it in version 4.0.29. I'll send my boss an error message as well.

bugerror.jpg (112,782 bytes)
bugerror.jpg (112,782 bytes)


2023-01-20 18:46

reporter   ~0004420

@ThunderBoy: 4.0.29 !!! the latest version I have is 4.0.28


2023-01-20 19:04

reporter   ~0004421

@xyzzy Hey, I'm already overworked.


2023-01-20 19:46

reporter   ~0004422

@ThunderBoy: or you know links that I don't know :)


2023-01-22 16:52

reporter   ~0004428

I've tried, and I think everything is OK in version 4.0.30.


2023-01-22 23:00

reporter   ~0004430

In version 4.0.31, this only works on one side:
- "Initial Image Folder" selected
- "View | Folders" unselected
- And select "View | Folders" --> both display the "Initial Image Folder

But if from this position, we hide (click on the "X") of the "Folders", then the path is not kept

Folders-6.jpg (143,906 bytes)
Folders-6.jpg (143,906 bytes)
Folders-7.jpg (39,048 bytes)
Folders-7.jpg (39,048 bytes)


2023-01-30 15:39

reporter   ~0004490

@heiko: You can close this issue. Works in version 4.0.37


2023-01-30 22:55

developer   ~0004491

Works in version 4.0.37

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-01-19 23:13 xyzzy New Issue
2023-01-19 23:13 xyzzy File Added: Folders-1.jpg
2023-01-19 23:13 xyzzy File Added: Folders-3.jpg
2023-01-19 23:13 xyzzy File Added: Folders-3-2.jpg
2023-01-19 23:13 xyzzy File Added: Folders-4.jpg
2023-01-20 18:04 ThunderBoy File Added: bugerror.jpg
2023-01-20 18:04 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004418
2023-01-20 18:46 xyzzy Note Added: 0004420
2023-01-20 19:04 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004421
2023-01-20 19:46 xyzzy Note Added: 0004422
2023-01-22 16:52 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004428
2023-01-22 23:00 xyzzy File Added: Folders-6.jpg
2023-01-22 23:00 xyzzy File Added: Folders-7.jpg
2023-01-22 23:00 xyzzy Note Added: 0004430
2023-01-29 23:15 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2023-01-29 23:15 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2023-01-30 15:39 xyzzy Note Added: 0004490
2023-01-30 22:55 heiko Status assigned => resolved
2023-01-30 22:55 heiko Resolution open => fixed
2023-01-30 22:55 heiko Note Added: 0004491