View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002393GeoSetterImage Datapublic2022-12-21 19:19
Reporterdydxdx Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.5.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002393: Beta 4.0.4 build 2202 Unable to get Location data from WEB
DescriptionBeta 4.0.4 consistently yields attached timeout/error.
Geosetter v3.5.3 build 2195 continues to pull up location data from WEB almost consistently.
Steps To ReproduceSame steps as v3.5.3 which is successful.
Additional InformationLocations are USA based.
TagsNo tags attached.



2022-12-19 22:57


2022-12-19_144549.jpg (397,539 bytes)


2022-12-20 20:37

developer   ~0004229

Have you retried it? I have no problems getting the location data from Web.


2022-12-20 20:40

reporter   ~0004230

use http instead of https


2022-12-21 11:52

reporter   ~0004247

@dydxdx I couldn't do it either. It was giving me this error as well. It didn't matter if I put http or https in there. The problem is not in the program, but in the Firewall installed in windows. You need to modify the rules directly in the firewall for the new GS. Thus, you need to allow the program full internet access.


2022-12-21 19:19

reporter   ~0004255

Spot on @xyzzy "use http instead of https"...gotta thank you guys, all is well now. I note that the v3.x Geosetter, which works, also is http.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-19 22:57 dydxdx New Issue
2022-12-19 22:57 dydxdx File Added: 2022-12-19_144549.jpg
2022-12-20 20:37 heiko Note Added: 0004229
2022-12-20 20:40 xyzzy Note Added: 0004230
2022-12-21 09:31 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2022-12-21 09:31 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2022-12-21 11:52 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004247
2022-12-21 19:19 dydxdx Note Added: 0004255