View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002389GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2023-02-02 17:21
Reporterxyzzy Assigned ToFriedemann  
PrioritynormalSeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002389: Terms not translated into French
DescriptionSee images included
TagsNo tags attached.



2022-12-15 14:58


Pas en français - 01.jpg (53,394 bytes)
Pas en français - 01.jpg (53,394 bytes)
Pas en français - 02.jpg (34,337 bytes)
Pas en français - 02.jpg (34,337 bytes)
Pas en français - 03.jpg (50,530 bytes)
Pas en français - 03.jpg (50,530 bytes)
Pas en français - 04.jpg (43,640 bytes)
Pas en français - 04.jpg (43,640 bytes)
Pas en français - 05.jpg (206,171 bytes)
Pas en français - 05.jpg (206,171 bytes)
Pas en français - 06.jpg (85,497 bytes)
Pas en français - 06.jpg (85,497 bytes)
Pas en français - 07.jpg (193,133 bytes)
Pas en français - 07.jpg (193,133 bytes)
Pas en français - 08.jpg (29,553 bytes)
Pas en français - 08.jpg (29,553 bytes)


2022-12-15 16:08

reporter   ~0004174

This is not a GeoSetter problem. The French translation of the program is not complete. You can translate it yourself. This happened because of newer versions of GS and nobody updated the language. GeoSetter\locale\fr\LC_MESSAGES\ Convert this file to a .po file e.g. here: . Open the converted file in Poedit and translate what you need. But some phrases are missing, so you have to add them in the text editor. Then you can send it to the GeoSetter author and it will be updated in the new version. More info: 0001296

I watched the French translation. The phrases you write about are not mentioned in the translation. They have to be added there manually in a text editor.


2022-12-15 17:02

reporter   ~0004175

Open the file GeoSetter\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\ There are all the missing phrases and add them to your French via a text editor.


2022-12-15 17:57

reporter   ~0004178

Despite the fact that I have a lot of programming, I don't know these .mo/.po files.
I will look at this.


2022-12-16 00:26

reporter   ~0004180

J'ai traduit la majorité des termes manquant en français. (135,796 bytes)


2022-12-16 05:59

reporter   ~0004181

Small fixes and also a shorter message to solve the problem specified in the request "" :: French Message in "Add Custom Type"

Msg Add New Type -2.jpg (53,154 bytes)
Msg Add New Type -2.jpg (53,154 bytes)


2022-12-16 06:00

reporter (135,662 bytes)


2022-12-16 06:01

reporter   ~0004182

Disregard the file "". It is a mistake (135,662 bytes)


2022-12-18 22:23

reporter   ~0004197

Is there a way in the ".po/.mo" files to specify a different text if there are one or more items because it is very different in French: example:

If there are multiple objects, this sentence works
    msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les %d objets sélectionnés ?"

But if there is only one object, the sentence should be
    msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'objet sélectionné ?"


2022-12-19 08:30

reporter   ~0004201

@xyzzy It exists, but it doesn't work in Geosetter. I wrote it here: 0002378


2022-12-19 08:46

reporter   ~0004202

For my language there are 3 variants of the inflection "plural":
{ "en" , { "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2);", 3 } },
For your language, only two:
{ "fr" , { "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", 2 } },


2022-12-19 08:48

reporter   ~0004203

Correction, I was wrong. :(

For my language there are 3 variants of the inflection "plural":
{ "sk" , { "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2);", 3 } },
For your language, only two:
{ "fr" , { "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", 2 } },


2022-12-26 13:26

reporter   ~0004300

Version of 2022-12-26 (new terms and correction of small errors) (145,410 bytes)
_DEFAULT.po (152,412 bytes)


2023-01-28 00:23

reporter   ~0004471

@heiko: you can close this issue.
Most of the translations have been done.
The only question that can remain unanswered is how Friedemann handles the plural (depending on the language).
Is it in GeoSetter or in the ".mo" files.
If it's in ".mo" files, I would like to know how Friedemann wants to operate.


2023-01-31 12:03

reporter   ~0004492

@xyzzy We have to give him time. My translation is still not added to the programme and I sent it to him in November. He already has it with sentence inflection for testing. First he is fixing older problems that have come up in the meantime Seeing that it is going slowly. He's just a man who has other things to do in life.


2023-02-01 23:32

administrator   ~0004505

Oh, @ThunderBoy, I think I totally forget to consider your translations :-o


2023-02-02 17:21

reporter   ~0004510

@Friedemann About two weeks ago I emailed the latest version of the translation into Slovak. There were also bugs attached.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy New Issue
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 01.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 02.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 03.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 04.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 05.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 06.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 07.jpg
2022-12-15 14:58 xyzzy File Added: Pas en français - 08.jpg
2022-12-15 16:08 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004174
2022-12-15 17:02 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004175
2022-12-15 17:57 xyzzy Note Added: 0004178
2022-12-16 00:26 xyzzy File Added:
2022-12-16 00:26 xyzzy Note Added: 0004180
2022-12-16 05:59 xyzzy File Added: Msg Add New Type -2.jpg
2022-12-16 05:59 xyzzy Note Added: 0004181
2022-12-16 06:00 xyzzy File Added:
2022-12-16 06:01 xyzzy File Added:
2022-12-16 06:01 xyzzy Note Added: 0004182
2022-12-18 22:23 xyzzy Note Added: 0004197
2022-12-19 08:30 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004201
2022-12-19 08:46 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004202
2022-12-19 08:48 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004203
2022-12-21 09:31 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2022-12-21 09:31 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2022-12-26 13:26 xyzzy File Added:
2022-12-26 13:26 xyzzy File Added: _DEFAULT.po
2022-12-26 13:26 xyzzy Note Added: 0004300
2023-01-28 00:23 xyzzy Note Added: 0004471
2023-01-31 12:03 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004492
2023-02-01 23:32 Friedemann Note Added: 0004505
2023-02-02 17:21 ThunderBoy Note Added: 0004510