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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000553 | GeoSetter | Image Data | public | 2010-05-10 10:30 | 2010-05-17 18:19 |
Reporter | exroosje | Assigned To | Friedemann | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | feedback | Resolution | open | ||
Product Version | 3.3.48 Release | ||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | ||||
Summary | 0000553: Synchronisation with POI files without date | ||||
Description | It would be nice if it were possible not only to synchronise foto's with gps tracks but also with gps poi's with only locations in them (like tomtom ov2, but also garmin gpx and google kml or any convenient format actually because of extisting poi editors) I am tagging my foto collection and lots of old fotos. So no tracks available, but I do have a collection of poi's of favorite locations like holiday homes which I collected with my tomtom and sometimes added with google earth. At this moment I copy/ paste the coordinates which is quite elaborate. I would imagine a feature where you select a set of fotos, choose synchronise with poi, select a poi file and get a dialog which entry within that poi file you whish to use to tag the fotos. The coordinates are then used to tag the fotos, the height and location is retrieved, and (optionally) in location name the name of the poi is entered. Furthermore, also the other way around would be nice. An export of the coordinates of a set of fotos to a POI file (eg KML file without the fotos) for reuse in google earth or navigation system. I would suggest to keep using the kml and gpx formats for this purpose and let people use external converters like poiedit to get things in their desired format. Or did I miss some functionality to make this possible at this moment? | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Alternatively, loading the POI's on the map (in a different color) and creating a right click feature to assign to a foto (selection), would also be a working solution for this feature and maybe easier to implement. |
Can you perhaps send me such a POI file (or attach it here)? Maybe it would help to add a function for importing such a file to favorites? You can show all favorites on the map and assign them to selected images. |
2010-05-17 18:12
_Knothoef_Verblijf.ov2 (2,054 bytes) |
2010-05-17 18:13
_Knothoef_Verblijf.kml (5,706 bytes) |
I've attached two files, the .ov2 is the tomtom created POI and the .kml is the conversion to google kml (done by poiedit). I've already discovered that placing the kml with the photos causes geosetter to show the pois on the map, making it already easy to assign the poi to a foto (whish i knew that earlier, (RTFM). Only downside is you have to place the poi files in every photo directory. But htat's more a downside of the directory based approach of geosetter in general (would be nice if you could drop a set of photos based on a selection in a different program). Which leaves only the export to poi as a real remaining whish. And yes, what you suggest would be excellent: being able to import / export favourites. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-05-10 10:30 | exroosje | New Issue | |
2010-05-10 10:42 | exroosje | Note Added: 0001085 | |
2010-05-12 22:05 | Friedemann | Status | new => assigned |
2010-05-12 22:05 | Friedemann | Assigned To | => Friedemann |
2010-05-12 22:48 | Friedemann | Note Added: 0001093 | |
2010-05-12 22:48 | Friedemann | Status | assigned => feedback |
2010-05-17 18:12 | exroosje | File Added: _Knothoef_Verblijf.ov2 | |
2010-05-17 18:13 | exroosje | File Added: _Knothoef_Verblijf.kml | |
2010-05-17 18:19 | exroosje | Note Added: 0001108 |