View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002048GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2022-12-22 02:04
Reporterblu28 Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.5 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002048: After setting API key, getting "For Development purposes only"
DescriptionI followed the instructions for getting my own Google map API key, and it worked. Everything appeared to be working fine. However, once I exited Geosetter and tried to edit a new image file, I got the dialog about "This page can't load Google Maps correctly." and clicking past that I get the shaded overlay that says "For development purposes only." Looking at the Google Cloud dashboard shows the initial correct requests, but all requests after that point show a "4-3" error. I have the Javascript, static and geolocation API enabled. By the way, the step about enabling those APIs is missing from the English PDF in the other issue thread.
Steps To ReproduceGet an API key, change the key in the google_map.html file, add the "base" tag and change the map file in the settings. Edit a file, then exit.



2019-06-03 13:54

reporter   ~0003723

Sorry, I meant the Geocoding API, not Geolocation.

Erik Krause

2019-06-25 19:27

reporter   ~0003728

Can not reproduce here. Works for me all the time. Did you check the file is still correctly set in Settings -> Map Address and Layers?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-06-03 13:48 blu28 New Issue
2019-06-03 13:48 blu28 Tag Attached: map
2019-06-03 13:54 blu28 Note Added: 0003723
2019-06-25 19:27 Erik Krause Note Added: 0003728
2022-12-22 02:04 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2022-12-22 02:04 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann