View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001237GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2017-05-16 22:51
Reporterpybely Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformWindows 7OSOS Version
Product Version3.4.16 beta 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001237: Clean start
DescriptionWhen starting GeoSetter the default image folder is the one used in the last session. This can lead to a slow start if that last folder contained a lot of images.

Is there a way to get a clean start ? (i.e. no folder opened)

I found a work-around by pointing to an empty folder in the "initial Image folder" for the start-up, but this is somewhat awkward. (Note that leaving that initial image folder box empty does not do the trick : Geosetter will still open the last folder used)


PS: I love your program and intend to send you a donation.
PS 2: I have another question which I will raise in a separate report issue
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2015-01-08 21:09

developer   ~0002175

If GeoSetter is reading many images of the last used folder, you can cancel this reading process with ESC.


2015-01-09 15:59

reporter   ~0002177

I had the same issue and try to change the folder to a drive letter (i.e. C:\) before leaving the program ;-)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-01-08 20:42 pybely New Issue
2015-01-08 21:09 heiko Note Added: 0002175
2015-01-09 15:59 bselbmann Note Added: 0002177
2017-05-16 22:51 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2017-05-16 22:51 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann